Sunday, November 29, 2009

What is it?

With all the moving and digging we have been doing, some of our clematis plants have been recovering in pots, and two or three haven't done well.  We lost Crystal Fountain as it was in a pot during one of the coldest of winters that passed during 2008/2009.  So sad!  We are looking for a replacement as it was one we loved and we will just have to learn to put the plants into the ground ASAP.

We have an interesting 'development' with one plant we can't identify, as you can see in the picture here.  It grew and started to die back, but toward the end of its growing season it suddenly produced a couple of buds and some very reasonably sized blossoms -- but what are they?
We gave Josephine her own trellis to climb into the sun this past year, but try telling HER that.  She preferred to blossom on branches that draped down to the ground and grew under the rhubarb, which is where her blossoms mostly developed this year.  I have to say that the blossoms were large, as you can see by the comparison with the rhubarb leaves that were also a good size.  What did we put in that soil last year?  I think it was just rotting weeds there.

Then there were Blue Ravine, Jackmanii and Hagley all blooming in the same area, with at least two of them on the go at the same time, creating quite a bouquet at the back of the veggie garden and up the holly bush.  The Blue Ravine is at the back, climbing the holly and by the time it had reached its peak it was a fabulous showing compared to past years.